Thursday, July 30, 2009

Thanks for accepting my comment.

Thanks Mr. Miliband Sir, for accepting my comment on your blog's article ' Some Good News ' at address: . [ Prabhat Misra, District Savings Officer, Etawah, U.P., India ].

Monday, July 27, 2009

Global Warming- is there any remedy?

Global warming is the result of ' green house effect ' due to release of industrial gases into the atmosphere. Most of the gases are the result of combustion of carbon based fuels. These gases are mainly, carbon di-oxide, methane, CFC, ozone and nitrous oxide. Among these gases carbon di-oxide is the biggest contributor in global warming. These gases trap the solar energy as well as infra-red radiation which in return increase the earth temperature.
With the advent of industrial revolution in 19th century and population explosion the problem of global warming has taken the alarming position. Due to exponential growth of Homo sapiens, the world ecosystems are dangerously changing. Due to urbanisation, deforestation and industrialisation the problem of global warming is increasing day by day.
Today we are planning to stop green house gases emission and not planning to boost R & D for natural energy sources like solar, wind and tidal. Only by stopping fossil fuel gases, we can not check global warming upto required level. For checking global warming, we need to phase out carbon based energy by natural energy sources. [ Prabhat Misra, District Savings Officer, Etawah, U.P., India ]

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Thanks to HELVETA.

The British company, HELVETA, has developed a BARCODING technology for the trees [ Reuters, 10.07.2009 ] . The barcodes to the trees will help in the fight against deforestation, illegal lodging, corruption and global warming. According to the company, every tree above a certain size in a plantation is given an individual barcode. When a tree is cut down, another barcode is attached to the stump. This barcoding is totally computer based so when the wood move through the supply chain, the government authorities can track woods and view computerised maps of forests on the database.
Such barcoding technology can help countries to stop billion of dollars illegal lodging and will save world forests as a part of the fight against global warming. World citizens should welcome this technology and thankful to the company for such environmentally friendly technology. [ Prabhat Misra, District Savings Officer, Etawah, U.P., India. ]

Monday, July 13, 2009

Deforestation of PHANEROPHYTES: alarm to the future.

Great ecologist Prof. C. Raunkaier, in his book, " The Life Form of Plants and Statistical Plant Geography [1934] " classified plants into six broad life-form categories, on the basis of the position of perennating buds on plants and degree of their protection during adverse conditions. These are:
1- Epiphytes- air plants;
2- Phanerophytes- aerial plants;
3- Chamaephytes- surface plants;
4- Hemi-cryptophytes- tussock plants;
5- Cryptophytes or Geophytes- earth plants;
6- Therophytes- annuals.
The majority of species which are governing the biodiversity, rain, human lives and earth's carbon balance are belonging to phanerophytes. They are prominent in tropical forests whereas therophytes belongs to deserts and alpine areas. It is said that a medium size phanerophyte absorb average one ton of carbon dioxide in its life. So, deforestation of these plants will be directly proportional to the global warming and biodiversity degradation. Increasing population density, urbanisation, industrialisation and per capita consumption are the main causes of deforestation. According to the data's from US department of energy, in 2004, G-8 nations are releasing maximum carbon dioxide in comparison to the developing nations. USA's per capita emission of carbon dioxide was 20.4 metric tonnes, Canada's 20 metric tonnes and between 6 to 10.5 metric tonnes for remaining G-8 nations. While India's per capita emission of carbon dioxide was 1.2 metric tonnes.
Due to this GLOBAL WARMING is increasing. This is resulting into disruption of monsoons and melting of Himalayan, Antarctic and Arctic glaciers. It has been warned by scientists that many glaciers of rivers including Ganga may melt before the end of 21st century. This will affects the lives of billions of people.
If we want to protect our biodiversity, glaciers, earth from warming, rivers and lives of billions of people then we should do afforestation of phanerophytes coz they absorb maximum carbon dioxide. [ Prabhat Misra, District Savings Officer, Etawah, India ]

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Yamuna river is worshiped as GODDESS by Indians since the beginning of human civilization on Indian continent. Yamuna is giving life to about 50 million people living along river banks. Yamuna has religious and historical importance.
But this river has become increasingly polluted in recent years. Sewage and industrial effluents discharged into the river without any proper treatment, are the main causes of pollution. It has been reported by Centre for Science and Environment [ 2007 ] that the Delhi area of the river is nearly dead and is overloaded by Coliform bacteria. Central Pollution Control Board [ CPCB ] has reported [ 2008 ] that the Biochemical Oxygen Denand [ B.O.D. ] load has increased by 13 percent over last year.
Yamuna pollution starts from the Tajewala area of Haryana. When Yamuna passes through the areas of Yamuna Nagar, Karnal and Panipat, it receive industrial and domestic effluents. This result into a major increase in B.O.D. to 17 mg/lt. The acceptable B.O.D. level for raw water meant for treatment is 3 g/lt.
Haryana's vast agricultural areas are also significant contributors of pollution coz this river passes through agricultural areas that uses pesticides in high amount. This makes leaching from these areas the serious source of pollution dangerous to the aquatic life.
From Haryana, Yamuna enters Delhi at Palla village. Delhi generates about 1900 million litre per day of sewage and industrial effluents. The other cities, apart from Delhi, contributing pollution in Yamuna are Mathura and Agra.
The industrial effluents discharging industries include paper, sugar, chemical, leather, distillery and pharmaceuticals etc.
In this way, the entire Yamuna river, right from its entry into Haryana to confluence with the Ganga river at Sangam in Allahabad, is subject to HUMAN ACTIVITIES. This has resulted into a polluted Yamuna fro Goddess Yamuna.
This polluted water of Yamuna is also the BIG SOURCE of pollution FOR GANGA river when high B.O.D. water of Yamuna CONFLUENCE with Ganga at Sangam.
Now, the question arises that what can we do to check the pollution in Yamuna river. The answer is NOT simple and easy but ther are some suggestions, which should be followed. These are :
- check pollution at its primary source by installing water treatment plants into polluting industrial units as well as in municipalities, before final discharge of effluents into Yamuna.
- regular peoples participation programmes, as a mission, to check the pollution and management of pollutants.
- protecting the catchment areas from chemical contamination by shifting to organic and biological farming methods and checking the use of pesticides.
Finally, we should remember the words from the speech of Mrs. Indira Gandhi, the then P.M. of India, said at UN coference on environment on June, 1972 at Stockholm. She said," MODERN MAN MUST RE-ESTABLISH AN UNBROKEN LINK WITH NATURE AND WITH LIFE." [ Prabhat Misra, District Savings Officer, Etawah, U.P., India. ]

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Save Trees Save Life.

Due to continuous human activities, the HABITAT DESTRUCTION and POLLUTION are causing species extinctions, reduction in sizes of species and biodiversity. This is our environmental duty to make aware people about the forthcoming environmental dangers like oxygen and water scarcities, forests depletion, species extinctions and equally important GLOBAL WARMING. Only BROAD LEAVES TREES can save our future life coz these evolve maximum OXYGEN and absorb maximum CARBON DI OXIDE. They are also responsible for maximum rains and biodiversity. So, we should try to save our existing trees and making plantation for future forests. For saving existing trees, an unique mission has been launched in Etawah district of Uttar Pradesh in India by me with the help of an N.G.O. named ' Swami Vivekanand Seva Sansthan', Etawah. The name of the mission is ' RED TAPE MOVEMENT'. Under this mission we go to the villages on SUNDAY and then we aware the villagers about the importance of trees and then with villagers we tie tree stems with RED TAPE to give the message that to cut a tree is dangerous for our survival. Such types of missions/ movements can bring change and make our future a brighter future.
Prabhat Misra
District Savings Officer, Etawah, U.P., India